Friday, December 23, 2016

A Festivus Miracle

My favorite all time television show is Seinfeld. It’s a 1990’s sitcom about 4 friends in New York City who go through their mundane lives never really growing. It’s not a great example for life but it’s hilarious. There’s an episode of Seinfeld where we find out that George’s dad has created a holiday to compete with Christmas. “A Festivus for the rest of us.” It has all sorts of odd traditions, but there’s one particular part I’d like to utilize in my letter.

The Airing of Grievances. “I’ve got a lot of problems with you people and now you’re going to hear about it!” - Frank Costanza

How dare you? How dare you call a 25 year old kid and his pregnant wife - who both look like teenagers - to come and lead your church? You sent men up to move our stuff, you prepared a huge parsonage, and you celebrated our coming as if we were family. What a risk. You took us in and cared for us, making our kids a part of your family, and encouraging us as we tried to figure out how to raise them. You held them in the nursery, you played with them on the playground, and you even put up with their antics in the front pews on Sunday mornings. Ridiculous.

How could you rally around new ideas with so much willingness and energy? I didn’t actually know if anything would work, but you jumped in and we did crazy stuff for our community. YOU DELIVERED TOILET PAPER DOOR TO DOOR IN THE COLD RAIN! ON SUNDAY MORNING! I was sure you’d fire me that day, but instead you kept going; delivering ice melt, giving out money in creative ways, and even starting a preschool so kids in town could be prepared for a life of education.

Speaking of the community, why would you let me spend so much time in it? You shared your pastor with community groups like the Henry County Ministerial Association, Chamber of Commerce Board, and Club M mentoring. You could have just expected your pastor to tend to your individual needs, but you saw the importance of community involvement and encouraged me to take it on.

And what about stewardship? Early on when the church struggled financially, you never quit doing ministry. We still put on elaborate Vacation Bible Schools, and spent money for the purpose of ministry. Even when we moved to give a lot more to missions, you stepped out in faith and did it. When we need a new parking lot, you were the instruments of God’s provision. When kids needed help to go to camp or to a youth conference, you gave and gave and gave.

And don’t get me started on encouragement for your pastor! You absolutely spoiled us every Pastor’s Appreciation Month and every Christmas. And not only that, but you prayed for us, gave me positive feedback on sermons, and showed us love in ways most pastors wish their churches would.

God is at work in you, First Baptist Church of Mt Pleasant. And He isn’t done. My deepest thanks for these “grievances” over the last 10 years. And know that we love you as our family.