Monday, October 6, 2014

Running for Good

Dare I say it? I’m a runner. I don’t know when it happened.  I have run off and on for exercise over the last 10 years but never with any consistency.  Whenever I’d spend a few weeks getting going, I’d find a reason to miss some runs and before I knew it, I was out of the habit.  Last summer I did some running but it was always in spurts.  But this summer I’ve been running with more consistency than ever before. I can’t believe this, but I’m actually starting to really like it. It feels good to have some soreness in my legs all the time, and I love to push for faster and farther runs. After a few 5K’s and a 10K, I’m signed up and ready for my first half marathon on October 11th. (Pray for me.)

Recently I was on a long run training for my half marathon and I was struck by an idea. I was running 14 miles around and through Mount Pleasant, beginning on county highways.  With no real space for pedestrians, I was running against traffic forcing many of them to go wide around me.  As I did, I found myself waving to each passing car, knowing that I was imposing on their normal driving space and trying to acknowledge their kindness in not running me over. 

I don’t know if it was the voice of the Spirit or if two hours of running is just too long for me to remain focused on the music in my ears, but I began to recognize as cars and houses passed me that each one contained people created by and loved by God.  Someone should be praying and offering a blessing to these strangers on my route. Finally it clicked and my run became a prayer run. My waves at passing cars instead became a prayer of blessing and a motion of the cross towards them. I began to pray for the people living in the homes and neighborhoods I passed, knowing that God would know their needs even if I don’t.

Then I had a thought. What if I started doing this on every run? What if I did it while driving through town. What if we all did? I can’t claim to fully understand how intercessory prayer and blessings work. But it’s clear that we are told to pray for others and there are people throughout our communities that are in need of God’s touch on their lives. What if we were a church that prayed for those we saw in passing?

Here’s what it did for me while running:
· It helped me to notice.  Before I was oblivious to the people I encountered on my run; instead paying attention to myself alone. In prayer, I noticed every house, every car, every pedestrian.
· It eased my anger at those texting and driving. After some close calls on the highway while drivers didn’t see me cause their eyes were on their phones, I was pretty mad. My prayer running allowed me to instead see them with love.
· It reminded me that I don’t pray enough. As a follower of Jesus and as a pastor, I should be connected to God in prayer more than I’m connected to the internet. I need an “always on” connection like my phone has through its cellular network.

So what do you think? Want to be a prayer-runner with me? Or prayer-walker? Or prayer-driver? Imagine what God will do in our community when we pray.

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